Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Electric Dog Intervention

I came out of the shower this morning and heard a tearing sound. I immediately assumed my dog was up to something as he is prone to during fits of angry boredom.

I wrapped a towel around myself and stuck my head out in the living room. Mahoney was not ripping the stuffing out of the chair I found at the thrift store. I glanced in the bedroom. He wasn't eating one of Jazzy's shoes or flip flops.

I checked the guest bedroom/office. He sat quietly on the ground by the desk looking up at me, big brown innocent eyes, tail wagging. I look down at him with suspicion.

"What did you do?"

Tail stopped wagging and he tried to army crawl backward away from me.

"Oh did something really bad, didn't you?"

I reached under the desk with my damp fingers. Zapping sounds and sparks greeted me as I screamed like the very manly man that I am. Yep. My dog ate the power cord for the computer I use to write and draw my little comics. comics today. Sorry. I don't have the battery power and my other computers just don't cut it for my drawings.

My dog is fine...even if the ripping sound had actually been him shocking the crap out of his face.


vic caswell said...

ohmy!!! little poochie! i hope he's alright! i love how you describe his actions! that sure sounds like our naughty dog!

Candice said...

Hey, you never know. Maybe your dog has been SEVERELY depressed and was trying to give himself electroconvulsive therapy. He's going to need more treatments over the next few weeks if that's the case. Keep an eye on him! ;)

Brandon T. Minster said...

I completely understand that it takes a very high-power computer to produce your drawings. Perhaps that IBM computer that won Jeopardy is available now.

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...


Bryan White said...

Is this the internet version of "The dog ate my homework"?

Chanel said...

Bryan, you're a genius. That's exactly what it sounds like.

I'm sorry your dog ate your power cord. Choo Choo chewed my cell phone charger once when she was teething...I gave her such a blistering lecture (no spankings) that she hid for four hours before coming out again and she never did it again. Maybe you should give Mahoney a severe lecture.

Anonymous said...

hopefully your dog will grow out of chewing power cords, I know a dog that hasn't (that or it's been brain damaged so much it doesn't remember enough to know it shouldn't). =D

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

My facepalm was epic. Admit left you speechless.

Matthew MacNish said...

Wow. Once my cat pissed on a power stip, causing a short that almost started a fire. I would have kicked her out of the house if it hadn't been only her second day.

Charlie Pulsipher said...

Aspiring- He is fine. No permanent damage. Naughty dogs are funny sometimes.

Candice- He does get mopey in the mornings...

The Man- You have no idea. My drawings are so near epic that I practically need a super computer from NASA to complete them. Seriously though...I have three computers in my house. One is really good. I built it myself, fast processor, plenty of speed and computing power, lots of memory and storage. Problem is that one is connected to my tv for hulu, netflix, youtube, and quick internet browsing. It does not work for my blog. I tried it. The wireless mouse doesn't cut it for my drawings. The display on my tv is awesome, but my drawings are tough to do on the rectangular display. The second computer is my wife's laptop. It is almost seven years old and sucks. The third is a tiny acer. That is what I use. Funny, I know. I hook it up to a regular mouse and keyboard along with a regular monitor and draw away.

Michael- ............epic....yes.

Bryan- I knew I would get that one, but I am back. Eight dollars later and I have a new cord in order to funnel my funny words back down the intertubes to you. You are welcome.

Chanel- Oh he got the lecture of his life. The lesson takes for a while and then he does it again, randomly. Does the same thing with flip flops.

Jared- I thought he had outgrown it. It has been over a year since he has touched a cord.

Michael- ......still epic....

Matthew- That could not have been pleasant for anyone.

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