Wednesday, May 23, 2012

FREE Ebooks for You and You!

My books are, once again, free in their wonderful digital format on amazon. Please feel free to go pick one or two up, share them, gift them, borrow them, or ignore them. All good with me.

The Crystal Bridge

Zombies at the Door

My Author Page


Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

I already own all these! But I shall tweet about it and maybe convince others to download them :)

Charlie Pulsipher said...

I know, Michael, I need to get writing and finish the three I'm very slowly working on for you. I also need to pick your book up and read it. I'm such a slacker...

Andrew Leon said...

Okay, I picked up Zombies. I have the other. It's actually sitting right next to me, because it's on my imminent read list so that I can review it.

I'm just really behind, because it's been sitting here about 2 months, now.

Charlie Pulsipher said...

It's cool, Andrew. Take your time. The zombie one is a quick read so you can get to it sooner. I hope you enjoy it.

Anonymous said...

When I read, "How I almost got shot" I thought it said "How I almost shot god." It's good thing you didn't do that, then you'd have to become a scientist. =D

Andrew Leon said...

I've started Crystal Bridge, and I'm finding some pretty obvious editorial and formatting issues. Way too many for me to sit down and list them all out. Of course, I know that you update pretty regularly, so there's really no way for me to tell if it's something you've already dealt with, especially since I have a print copy of the book.

Anyway... just thought you'd want to know.
Since you've asked...

Charlie Pulsipher said...

Thanks, Andrew, always good to know. I have fixed a lot...hopefully most. When did you buy the print book?

Andrew Leon said...

You know, I'm not actually sure. I think it was back around Christmas? I've had it sitting here for a while. No, that can't be right, because there is a date on the last page of the book that says Feb 6, 2012.

Charlie Pulsipher said...

Cool. I did a ton of fixes the first of that makes me feel a little better. Sorry you got so many mistakes. I'll make sure book two comes out without so many.

Andrew Leon said...

Oh, it's not really a problem. I mean, they're not the kind of things that are getting in the way of the story. And I'm fairly tolerant of formatting errors, because, honestly, they are just a pain to deal with, and you can't always see that it's going to be an issue until afterward.

Of course, when I review, I'll have to note them, which is the only issue of not knowing what's fixed and what's not, but I will make sure to mention that you do an ongoing thing of fixing problems you're made aware of.

Charlie Pulsipher said...

Sounds good. I hope you enjoy it. I also plan on doing a bit of an overhaul of book one when I release book two, paying an editor to go through both, refreshing the cover, and a few things like that. Should be fun.

Andrew Leon said...

Well, if you're going to pay an editor, make sure it's someone better than me. :P
I mean, if you're going to pay someone, (s)he should be better than some random guy, right?
(Which is my issue with a lot of small publishers; they don't hire editors worth paying for.)

Charlie Pulsipher said...

Is that what you do?

Andrew Leon said...

No, but I -could- do it. I've just never sought that out as a job (and it's a rapidly shrinking field, so I don't see a future in it, at the moment (CNN had an interesting article about it, today)). But that's my point, I'm not an editor, but I'm better than the vast majority of the schmucks that small presses hire, so make sure you get someone good if you're going to pay money for it.

Charlie Pulsipher said...

Oh, I will. How's your book doing, by the way? I really should become your friend on facebook or something rather than keep messaging you back and forth through the comments...

Andrew Leon said...

The book is going slowly... I need more reviews, etc, etc, etc...

FB is taken care of :)

Kerry said...

I just got a Nook. I wonder if I can get them there? Because I absolutely would.

Charlie Pulsipher said...

Sorry, it is only on amazon at the moment. I may bring them back to nook someday, but not anytime soon.

Katy S said...

I have "Crystal Bridge," and am hoping to read it before too much time goes by, but I have a huge pile o' books to get through... Anyway, I noticed some comments about editing, and I thought I'd throw it out there (and I swear this is now why I came here, and I added myself on GFC before I even knew this), but I'm an editor, so if you need editing help, you can contact me. If you don't want me to do it, I know several other editors, too. I have a fee I charge, but also offer barter if it's too much; one of the folks I know offers barter, too, and another will provide a discount to anyone I refer. So ... just throwing that out there!

That said, I'd love to see your Velociraptor impression - you have a YouTube of it ... ? LOL

Anonymous said...

I've nominated your blog for the Liebster Award! Yippee!

Hope all is well in your world. Post soon!

Anonymous said...

I've nominated your blog for the Liebster Award! Yippee!

Hope all is well in your world. Post soon!

Katy S said...

Research the Liebsters - someone significantly changed the roles since they were originated. You'll want to track down the original rules if you can. Check my blog for my post regarding it - I think one of the commenters mentions it and how to do it the original way (which was much simpler)

Charlie Pulsipher said...

Katy, I hope you enjoy the book once you get around to it. It does still need some editing, but I'm holding off until I finish book two. No youtube video yet, but one is planned. Does velociraptor impressions count as trade for editing? :) I'm a writer, so I don't actually know what else I can barter with...

Charlie Pulsipher said...

Sorry, Sycamore, I'm one of those horrible bloggers who tends to ignore the awards and the chain letter type rules that come with them. I know, I'm a terrible human being.

Katy S said...

*laugh* My barter system, and that of the other person I know, is to have you buy us a certain number of books and/or eBooks from our Amazon wishlist. Anyway, as I said, i was just throwing it out there; it's up to you whether you want to take the bait or not ... :-)

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